Book a free intro session below.

Many of us walk around with a messy jumble of thoughts in our head, and the mindful presence of another human can help us untangle these thoughts. This is what I offer in my unblocking practice.

Why have hourlong calls with a human, rather than just reading more self-help books and/or going on a meditation retreat? Those things are good, and they often get you most of the way there, but neither of them are responsive in the way that an observant human can be. It’s easy to start a book and then drop it, to start meditating and ruminate the whole time. A conversation, if directed in an artful way, can help you see the things you are otherwise unable (or unwilling) to see.

Unblocking sessions with me look like ordinary conversations, with most of the attention on you: I listen, I reflect back what you tell me, and I ask you questions. Hopefully the questions are good ones, in which case you end up learning something new. Sometimes, the questions aren’t good ones, because I’m not familiar enough with the problem you’re experiencing.

After the sessions, I follow up to offer accountability to the extent that it’s helpful.


You are welcome to have a free 1hr intro + unblocking call to get a taste. After that, the sessions are paid. Sessions are $125 per hour, with lower-income pricing available on request.

My practice will likely be a fit for you if you are looking for: clarity, a more wholesome relationship with yourself, and/or a partner to keep you accountable to your values and goals. I’m not a therapist, so this practice is not a fit for dealing with severe trauma or other mental health problems.

Fill out the form below to book a session. (If you don’t see it in your browser, you can navigate to this page.)


(More on the way.)

“My sessions with Kasra have felt like a breath of fresh air. Like similar sessions I’ve had before, he lets me talk through everything with patience and without judgment, helps me identify behavioral patterns, and “assigns homework” that helps me apply what I’ve learned in my professional and personal life. UNLIKE similar sessions I’ve had, Kasra help me “unblock” by bringing perspectives from his being in the tech industry and other personal experiences. Having someone who understands and can relate to my situation first-hand is a boon that I haven’t found anywhere else. Kasra helps me feel heard, supported, and motivated to take the next step.”

– HN, Chief of Staff and Brand Strategist

“Working with Kasra has been transformational for my struggles with scheduling, prioritizing, time management, and letting myself off the hook when I make mistakes. Kasra‘s warm, calming presence and his ability to reframe my struggles in a constructive way always leaves me feeling grounded amidst the chaos. He has an uncanny ability to help me clarify next steps when things feel muddled. The mud seems to settle in my mind after a session with Kasra, and I’m left with a clear understanding of how I want to move forward.”

– HN, PhD Candidate and Director of Training Programs

“Kasra’s coaching sessions really helped me brainstorm actionable strategies to help me achieve my goals that I was unable to see on my own. I’ve recently put them into practice and really happy with where that’s taken me!”

– AB, Product Manager & entrepreneur

“Kasra heard the challenges I was describing and helped me understand them better. I appreciated how he validated my feelings that I’m experiencing difficult/challenging issues.”

– RB, Building Science Engineer

“I asked Kasra for coaching right after I left my job to pursue a startup. He not only helped me move past decision paralysis re: a funding opportunity, but also worked with me on personal 1- and 10-year visions. My favorite part is his soothing voice!”

– TY, Product Manager & entrepreneur

“Kasra’s coaching session helped me work through some anxieties and insecurities I was facing around my future. He helped me clarify a better perspective to view my life via gentle questioning and brainstorming. This was super helpful and I have now embarked on the next chapter of my career thanks to Kasra’s help!”

– CL, Consultant

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